The prices of a domain name may go up or down at times. So if you spot a good bargain you might want to lock in the discount by registering a domain for more than 1 year, up to a maximum 10 years.
For domain-only customers the ordering process is very straightforward. Simply select the number of years to register in the order form:
All our web hosting packages come bundled with a free (or deeply discounted) domain. Webhosting customers can make an order as usual, until the final checkout page by which you can then click on Continue Shopping.
After that click on the Domain Registration tab and proceed to register a new domain name (just like a domain-only customer) Do not worry about the prices, we will rebate you the registration cost.
9 years
since your webhosting package automatically register 1 year upon account activation. If you choose to register 10 years (making the total 11 years), we will proceed to add the additional one at the second year. Please make sure your domain name is the same as the one bundled into your web hosting account.That's all, you have locked in the domain registration prices! We will send you a rebate (the price difference between domain-only and webhosting customers at time of purchase) every 12 months as long as you maintain an active webhosting account with us. The rebate will be credited to your bank account or your account.Your Client Center profile should show Yes
at the Domain Price Rebate field under Welcome message > Edit Profile.