I forgot my cPanel password and my email address is no longer valid

  • November 23, 2017

Under normal circumstances, you can reset lost password by clicking the Reset Password link on your login form. If the email address you registered in our system is no longer being used however, you may still be able to change your cPanel password if you have access to the Client Center.

To do so login your Client Center, under the Order ID and Description heading click on the relevant web hosting package.

This will lead you to a page displaying your account details. Click on Click to Change, enter a new password, and your cPanel password will be changed.

On the other hand, it is also possible to login your cPanel from the Client Center. Under the Order ID and Description heading, simply click on the Actions button for the relevant package and select Login to cPanel. You will then be logged in to the cPanel where you can change your password.

If you lost your Client Center password and your email address is no longer valid, the only way is to contact our support team.

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