I get 404 Error when accessing cPanel and Webmail

  • September 11, 2017

If you get a 404 error when accessing cPanel or Webmail, it is most likely a firewall either on your computer or at your network level that is not allowing access to non-standard ports. This type of setup is common in some campus and office environments.

If you have access to your firewall, the best way to correct this issue is to open and allow the cPanel ports. The numbers are as follows:

  • cPanel: 2082 and 2083
  • Webmail: 2095 and 2096

If you do not have the ability to unblock these ports, you may be able to access cPanel via proxy which runs over port 80. You would access cPanel / Webmail over subdomains by:

  • http://cpanel.yourdomain.com
  • http://webmail.yourdomain.com

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