All our webhosting accounts come with 'Webmail', which allows you to access your email from any devices connected to the internet.
To access webmail, simply type /webmail at the end of your domain name (i.e. or use If you have SSL certificate installed please use https:// in front the URL (i.e. Don’t forget to
substitute with your actual domain name.
If you have administrative access, another way is to access from cPanel > Emails
> Email Accounts
. Under the Actions tab on the right, click Access Webmail.
If you are using the first method above you will need to enter your login details to gain access. By default, Webmail comes with three original email clients (Horde, Roundcube and Squirrelmail). All of them allow you to read emails, which to use would depend on your personal preferences.
For step-by-step video tutorial on how to work with Webmail, click here.
If you wish to configure your email account to Outlook, iOS, Android or other devices, click here.