Domain Name Pricing List

We have integrated a universal domain search engine on our homepage that will check the availability of over 1,000 domain extensions, even though at the moment only these are supported (for registration).

The search engine maintains and constantly update a database of WHOIS servers to query from when you type in the domain names. It should correctly display the results, but with so many domain extensions, sometimes we may miss out certain WHOIS updates. If for any reasons a particular domain extension keeps showing unavailable or available but you know it is otherwise, please report broken TLDs check below. We will get it fixed very soon.

Broken TLDs Form

Use this form to report broken TLDs in our domain search engine. Please specify the problematic domain extension(s) followed by a simple description of the issues encountered during the search.

    Broken Domain Extension(s) (required)

    Issues Encountered



    Need to Know More?

    Research shows that only 28% of the average internet users read a webpage with more than 593 words. We will therefore keep everything short, simple and straightforward.

    If you need to know more, please check out our knowledge base, our social media pages or just contact us directly. We're friendly! :)