I get 406 Not Acceptable Error

  • September 11, 2017

Web browsers make a request for information from the server whenever one visits your website. When this happens, it sends an Accept header. This tells the server in what formats the browser can accept the data. If the server cannot send data in a format requested in the Accept header, the server sends the 406 Not Acceptable error.

The error can be generated by the mod_security module. Mod_security, a type of firewall program that runs on Apache web server, scans for violations of the rules it has set. If an action occurs that violates one of these rules, the server will throw a 406 error.

How can I solve it?

ModSecurity is an important apache module that protects your site from possible hacks, and thus, enabled on all new accounts by default. However, if you encounter a 406 error it should be disabled. Follow the steps below on how you can disable ModSecurity for individual domains through cPanel:

1. Log in your cPanel, under the heading Security, click ModSecurity

2. Select the domain you are working with and turn off ModSeurity.

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