Can I know the most common web hosting server ports?

  • September 13, 2017

HTTP - Port 80

HTTPS - Port 443

FTP - Port 21

FTPS / SSH - Port 22

POP3 - Port 110

POP3 SSL - Port 995

IMAP - Port 143

IMAP SSL - Port 993

SMTP - Port 25 (Alternates: Port 26 / Port 2525)

SMTP SSL - Port 587

MySQL - Port 3306

CPanel - Port 2082

CPanel SSL - Port 2083

WHM (Webhost Manager) - Port 2086

WHM (Webhost Manager) SSL - Port 2087

Webmail - Port 2095

Webmail SSL - Port 2096

WebDAV/WebDisk - Port 2077

WebDAV/WebDisk SSL - Port 2078

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